Tampa, Florida FUT Hair Transplant

The most experienced FUT hair transplant center in Tampa Bay

Tampa, Florida Follicular Unit Transplant

Tampa Bay Hair Restoration • Dr. Michael Markou

Are you ready to regain a full head of hair and reclaim your confidence? Look no further! Tampa Bay Hair Restoration offers the FUT hair transplant near Tampa, Florida. Follicular unit transplant (FUT) is a popular surgical procedure that uses the linear strip method to transplant hair follicles into areas that are thinning or balding. It has shown great results for both men and women, especially those with advanced hair loss. Our accomplished hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Markou, has three decades of experience in FUT hair transplantations. Schedule a free consultation with one of the most experienced hair transplant doctors in Florida and find out if the treatment is right for you!

The Leading Tampa Hair Restoration Physician

Dr. Michael Markou, D.O. at Tampa Bay Hair Restoration is the leading hair restoration doctor in the Tampa, Florida area. He has dedicated his medical career to researching only the best in hair loss treatments to provide the most optimal hair growth for patients suffering from genetic scalp conditions and pattern baldness.

State-of-the-Art Hair Restoration Technology

Tampa Bay Hair Restoration offers the latest advancements in hair loss treatments, including robotic hair restoration and hair regeneration. With the newest state-of-the-art hair restoration technology available, Dr. Markou is able to achieve natural-looking and longer-lasting results.

28+ Years of Professional Hair Restoration Experience

Dr. Markou is a board-certified Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) and has been an influential member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery since 1994. He has performed thousands of hair restoration procedures over his 28 year career at the Tampa Bay Hair Restoration Center in Tampa.

The average cost of FUT hair transplant is about $5,000 depending on the amount of hair loss, while the national average can range anywhere from $4,000 to $17,000 or more. Unlike most centers that charge per graft (as high as $7/graft), our FUT cost is a fixed price per session.

Ideal candidates for follicular unit transplant are patients in advanced stages of hair loss, those who prefer to wear their hair in longer styles, those looking for maximum fullness in a single session, or those unfit for FUE hair transplant.

On average, the recovery time for FUT hair transplant takes about 1 to 7 days to fully recover.

FUT hair transplant provides permanent and natural-looking results. New hair growth can begin as soon as 3 to 4 months after receiving FUT, with substantial growth continuing over the course of the next year. On average, patients notice the most hair growth results between 6 and 9 months.

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Tampa Bay Hair Restoration

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Tampa Bay Hair Restoration

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Tampa Bay Hair Restoration

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Tampa's Most Experienced Hair Restoration Center

Dr. Michael Markou, D.O. at Tampa Bay Hair Restoration is the leading hair restoration doctor in the Tampa, Florida area. He has dedicated his medical career to researching only the best in hair loss treatments to provide the most optimal hair growth for patients suffering from genetic scalp conditions and pattern baldness.
Tampa Bay Hair Restoration offers the latest advancements in hair loss treatments, including robotic hair restoration and hair regeneration. With the newest state-of-the-art hair restoration technology available, Dr. Markou is able to achieve natural-looking and longer-lasting results.
Dr. Markou is a board-certified Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) and has been an influential member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery since 1994. He has performed thousands of hair restoration procedures over his 30 year career at the Tampa Bay Hair Restoration Center in Tampa.
Dr. Markou at Tampa Bay Hair Restoration is an internationally renowned hair restoration surgeon who offers the most innovative techniques to treat hair loss. He has earned numerous awards for his groundbreaking research, leadership, experience, and training of other hair loss doctors.
Roughly 40% of the female population in the United States suffers from thinning hair by the age of 40. Tampa Bay Hair Restoration specializes in hair loss treatments for women, including surgical and non-surgical hair restoration options. We offer a variety of different procedures to effectively restore the effects of female hair loss.
Dr. Markou was the first hair restoration surgeon in Tampa and Florida to offer Regenerative Medicine as a treatment for hair loss back in 2009. Since then, Tampa Bay Hair Restoration has been proud to offer multiple regenerative treatments clinically proven to naturally revitalize hair without the need for surgery.

What is FUT Hair Transplant?

Hair transplants have been around since the 1950’s. Since then, huge advancements in technology have changed hair transplantations for the better. A hair transplant is known simply as relocating healthy hair to the area affected by hair loss. The area receiving hair (balding/thinning area) is commonly referred to as the recipient site, while the area where transplanted hair is taken from is known as the donor site. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) is a surgical hair transplant technique that relocates hair from one area of the body to another using follicular units and the linear strip method.

Follicular unit transplant is an advanced hair transplant procedure that uses naturally occurring follicular hair units to restore hair. A follicular unit (or hair graft) is a group of 1 to 4 hair follicles that all grow together out of a single pore. Previous to the FUT hair transplant method, larger hair grafts would be taken from the scalp which would leave noticeable scars and an unnatural-looking appearance. Since FUT incorporates the follicular grouping method, smaller units can be used to give hair a more naturally enhanced appearance.

The Benefits of FUT Hair Transplant

Some of the major benefits of a follicular unit transplant include:

  • Shorter procedure time
  • Ability to dissect various graft sizes under high-powered magnification
  • Increase in hair density and elasticity
  • Ability to cover more area in one session
  • Maximizes the amount of hair grafts harvested
  • Optimal hair graft survival
  • Best hair transplant method for patients with advanced hair loss
  • Less expensive than other surgical hair transplants
  • Restores hair loss with a natural-looking experience

FUE vs. FUT Hair Transplant

The FUT hair transplant is one of the two most common techniques used in hair transplant surgeries today. Tampa Bay Hair Restoration offers both the FUT and the FUE hair transplant methods in order to provide a full-range of treatment options throughout many different stages of hair loss. While follicular unit excision (FUE) is another phenomenal hair transplant procedure that Tampa Bay Hair Restoration offers, not everyone meets the necessary qualifications of a candidate.

Follicular unit transplantation is strongly recommended for those who are unfit for the FUE hair transplant and in the slightly more advanced stages of thinning hair and pattern baldness. It’s important to consult with a licensed surgeon to see if you’re a good candidate for either hair transplants, and to find out which method will provide you with the hair growth results you’re looking for.

Experienced FUT Hair Transplant Surgeon

As hair loss occurs differently in each individual, it’s important to consult with a licensed physician about the different hair transplant options available and the benefits associated with each. Dr. Michael Markou, D.O., is a board-certified Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, and one of the leading FUT hair transplant surgeons in the United States. He has been an influential member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) for 29 years and is widely renowned for his research in cellular regeneration.

To provide patients with the most accurate information about possible hair restoration options, Dr. Markou is currently offering free consultations for any patient interested in a hair transplant. During your initial consultation, we will take the time to understand your specific hair loss as well as your aesthetic desires. Dr. Markou will work directly with you to design the ideal treatment plan for optimal hair growth results.

FUT Hair Transplant Procedure

Linear Strip Harvesting Method

FUT hair transplant is a 3 to 5 hour procedure that is virtually painless. Anesthesia will be given to rid the scalp of any discomfort. The follicular unit hair transplant procedure involves taking a single strip of hair / tissue from the back of the head (donor strip), and precisely dissecting the individual follicular units directly from the removed donor strip. This is frequently referred to as the linear strip harvesting method.

In order to get the best hair growth results, the follicular units will be dissected under high-powered magnification. This allows hair grafts of various sizes to be harvested without damaging or harming the unit. By removing the linear strip from the donor area, hair transplant surgeons are able to cover more area per session – maximizing the number of hair grafts harvested during one session.

Follicular Transplant

The harvested follicular units will then be strategically placed back into the recipient site in order for hair growth to begin occurring naturally once again. The location, positioning, and placement of the follicular unit grafts will determine the hairline appearance and will be based off your aesthetic desires discussed in the initial consultation. The FUT hair transplant doctor will make micro-slits in the recipient site where the harvested grafts will be placed. Once hair has been transplanted, the linear strip will need to be closed using the world renowned technique Dr. Markou has developed to ensure minimal scarring and a speedy recovery.

In the past, many were concerned about noticeable linear scars due to the FUT hair transplant procedure using the linear strip harvesting method. Dr. Markou has pioneered a laser-enhanced follicular strip method with the Markou LaserEdge Closure Technique to help with any scarring concerns. This technique is strongly recommended for patients with advanced hair loss.

Markou LaserEdge Closure Technique

World-Renowned Linear Strip Closure to Promote Healing

The Markou LaserEdge Closure Technique uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to enhance the healing process and promote further cellular growth for FUT hair transplants. PRP is derived from the patient’s blood and has a concentrated source of potent proteins called growth factors. These cells promote healing, accelerate tissue regeneration, and help develop cell regrowth.

Before closing the open linear strip after hair has been transplanted, Dr. Markou uses a low-level laser with PRP placed on the end and bevels the bottom edge of the linear strip. This strip closure technique allows any noticeable scar to heal even more than it originally would have. It also further stimulates the hair follicles to grow through the scar, decreasing the scars overall appearance.

Looking for FUT Hair Transplant in Tampa, FL?

Schedule a free ARTAS Hair Transplant consultation with Dr. Michael Markou at Tampa Bay Hair Restoration. Find out if ARTAS Hair Transplant is the best hair loss treatment for you and learn more about your hair restoration options.

Expected Results After FUT Hair Transplant

FUT hair transplant provides patients with permanent and natural-looking results. Once hair has been transplanted, it will continue to grow almost identically to the hairs still located within the donor area. Not only will new hair growth continue, but it will begin to grow thicker and fuller over time.

New hair growth can begin as soon as 3 to 4 months after receiving the FUT hair transplant. Substantial growth will continue over the course of the next year. On average, patients notice the most hair growth results between 6 and 9 months after the FUT hair transplant procedure.

Get a Free Consultation for FUT Hair Transplant!

Follicular unit hair transplantation has shown remarkable results in restoring hair while obtaining a natural-looking appearance. Don’t lose faith in your hair regrowth journey. Schedule your free consultation with Tampa Bay Hair Restoration and find out exactly what Dr. Markou recommends to help fight your hair loss for good.

To find out if you’re a good candidate for the FUT hair transplant procedure or to learn more about any of our hair restoration options, please fill out the contact form below or feel free to give us a call at (727) 446-0608.

FUT Hair Transplant Before and Afters

Here's What Our Clients Have To Say
30+ Years Experience Treating Hair Loss in Tampa Bay, Florida
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I had several consultations at other offices. Was referred to Dr Markou by a friend and he was the only Dr who actually met with me and did the consultation. I felt very comfortable with that. He accurately explained all options. I proceeded with Robotic. Had my surgery about 6 months ago and starting to see the hair grow in. The staff is great. Family atmosphere! This really changed my life.
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Was referred to Dr Markou by a friend. Chose him not only because of having the most experience by far in the Tampa Bay area but also because of the personal attention he gave me during the consultation (no pushy sales people to deal with). Now about 9 months out from having Robotic transplant. Very happy with my results. He exceeded my expectations.
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I had a Robotic procedure on Thursday March 7th, 2019. The experience was painless. The staff made me feel like family. Very friendly and very professional! Dr Markou provided me the option of a strip procedure vs the Robot FUE. I chose Robot since i wear my hair short in the back. I will keep you posted on my post op course and results. Very excited!!


Frequently Asked Questions

Both men and women who still have a little hair left are good candidates for FUT Hair Transplant, especially those in more advanced stages of hair loss or those who may not be a good fit for FUE. Ideal candidates are those who do not wish to cut their hair and prefer to wear their hair in longer styles.

FUT hair transplant is not a suitable option for those who have completely lost all of their hair, as the procedure requires transplanting healthy hair to the area that has been affected by hair loss.

FUT Hair Transplant can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000, with most centers charging per graft. This can be as high as $7 per graft. Unlike most hair transplant centers, we charge per session rather than per graft. The average cost of FUT Hair Transplant at our center is $3,900.

Dr. Markou charges patients based off of which stage of hair loss they are in – NOT how many grafts will be required for full restoration. By using this pricing method, we are able to save patients thousands of dollars and will harvest as many grafts required to fully restore their hair.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplant (FUT) are the two common hair transplant methods. They differ in the way hair follicles are harvested. FUE dissects each hair graft directly from the donor area, while FUT removes a small linear strip from the back of the scalp.

The FUT requires suturing to close the strip, while the FUE procedure does not. The FUT procedure allows for the highest yield of hair, meaning the most amount of high-quality grafts are harvested with the least amount of damage. This is why the FUT Hair Transplant is strongly recommended for those in the more advanced stages of hair loss or those who want maximum fullness in a single session.

FUT Hair Transplant is a relatively simple procedure that’s virtually painless and requires very little downtime. Anesthesia is given to rid the scalp of any pain or discomfort. Some patients report minor discomfort or swelling in the donor area post-procedure. Pain medications can be prescribed if needed.

In the past, many were concerned about noticeable linear scars due to FUT Hair Transplant using the linear strip harvesting method. Dr. Markou has pioneered a laser-enhanced follicular strip method utilizing growth factors to help with any of those scarring concerns.

The Markou LaserEdge Closure Technique uses growth factors to enhance the healing process and promote further cell growth, allowing the linear strip to completely heal and new hair to grow through where the scar would have been. This technique is strongly recommended for patients with advanced hair loss, as the procedure will be virtually undetectable.

FUT Hair Transplant produces natural-looking results that last. Hair in the donor area is not affected by the chemical DHT, the main influencer of pattern baldness and alopecia. Once hair has been harvested and transplanted, it continues to grow the same as hairs still located within the donor area.

Patients can expect to see results in as little as 3 months, while substantial hair growth continuing over the course of the year. The most noticeable results can be seen 6 months after the hair transplant procedure.

Unlike FUE, FUT Hair Transplant doesn’t require patients to cut their hair. Since a small strip is removed from the back of the scalp, the physician is able to identify and harvest the most optimal hair follicles under microscopic magnification without the need of shorter hair.

Infections are an extremely rare side effect from FUT Hair Transplant. In the very few cases where an infection occurs, it’s almost always due to the patient not properly following the post-procedure instructions and care. When an infection does occur, it’s easily treatable with antibiotics prescribed by the surgeon.

Hair transplantation is a surgical technique used to transplant healthy hair from one area of the body to the area affected by hair loss or balding.
The average cost of a hair transplant can range anywhere from $4,000 to $16,000. Pricing is dependent on a variety of different factors, including procedure, clinic, and stage of hair loss. Most hair transplant clinics charge patients per transplanted hair graft, which can be as high as $15 / graft. Please see specific procedure for a more precise quote.

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Growth Factors for Hair Loss

IV Therapy

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Scalp Micropigmentation

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Hair Restoration Medication

Hair Restoration for Women

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